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Arbico Predatory Mite Spider Mite Control Hypoaspis miles Stratiolaelaps scimitus

SKU 239911239911
SRP⠀ 100.32 27.50
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Arbico Predatory Mite Spider Mite Control Hypoaspis miles Stratiolaelaps scimitus
Product Details
Brand: Arbico
Available stock: Dropship available



Knockdown and Preventive Control of Soil Dwelling Fungus Gnats, Root Aphids, Thrips and Springtails.

This tiny, translucent brown to tan predatory mite naturally inhabits the top layer of soil where pest insect larvae and pupae dwell. Stratiolaelaps scimitus (Hypoaspis miles) is primarily used for treating and controlling fungus gnat infestations, but can also be released as a control measure for root aphids, spider mites and thrips. Female S. scimitus predatory mites lay their eggs in soil where the nymphs and adults feed on pests. Nymphal feeding focuses on eggs and immature larvae (instars) of fungus gnats in addition to pupal stages of thrips. If the infestation being treated is severe, use S. scimitus along with Sf Beneficial Nematodes and Yellow Sticky Traps. Consider using S. scimitus with A. swirskii or N. cucumeris if you are treating an active thrips infestation.

Life Cycle & Optimal Conditions for Release:

The S. scimitus life cycle lasts around 13 days and can accelerate or lengthen in different environmental conditions. Optimal conditions for S. scimitus performance are temperatures from 60-74 and high relative humidity. These conditions refer to soil conditions more so than atmospheric conditions as the Stratiolaelaps are most active in the growing medium. Cooler temperatures can have a negative impact on reproduction and development.

Release rates: Some crops benefit when higher release rates are used preventatively.
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